Locomotor rehabilitation, Tatabánya 3 clinic (20 Physiotherapist, rehabilitation doctor)
Description, questionsOrthopedic Examination, Tatabánya
During the test, the orthopedic orthopedist informed about the patient's previous musculoskeletal medical conditions, surgery is carried out lesions. following orthopedic test force complaints of pain assessment of the hold, and gait test, the joint axis deviations - thorax, spine and joints Examination of functional studies will backbone.
Manual Therapy, Tatabánya
The manual therapy based on natural science-based diagnostic and treatment methods. Mainly by hand, the resulting serial mozgásszervrend- lesions, previously or newly formed pain, disability alleviation, elimination purposes (eg .: sprains, neck, back and low back pain).
Medical Massage, Tatabánya
The healing massage improves blood circulation by promoting the flow of blood from the extremities to the heart. The finishing moves that are effleurage - termed, increase the fresh flow of blood that carries nutrients and oxygen to organs and muscles of healing massage promotes muscle relaxation and elongation, relieve tension, and promotes the removal of toxins..